Free Coaching

To help you create and do your best work, and achieve goals that are meaningful, have you ever had Coaching before? For many of us, Coaching can be unaffordable, or completely outside our comfort zones.

Coaching is not therapy, not mentoring, not training and it’s not giving out so-called ‘good’ advice. Coaching is an opportunity to experience and feel real support to find your own personal resources and finally take the inspired action you are longing for. Even if that action is challenging, hard, exciting, joyful, and all things in between.

There are many opportunities to engage a Coach and you can take a free discovery call that can feel like a giant upsell to something you don’t really need, or want. Or, some Coaches are so amazing and popular that you need to sell your firstborn for a minute of their time. No matter what your budget, there is always a Coach right for you.

I need a Coach, and work with them all the time. I can’t live without them as a professional coach myself. I believe everyone can transform personal situations and their lives with a good Coach that is right for them. So how do you choose one?

I have had the wonderful experience of many free courses, lessons and mentors that have come into my life and my journey. I personally have a dedication to my own professional and personal development. I’ve been studying for years, and have relevant workplace and business experience that understands workplaces, and the challenges that come with working for yourself.

Because of the kindness of others, I offer free webinars and challenges. I also offer my time, energy, and kindness back where I can. I do this to thank those who have generously offered the same support during my work journey that was, at times, difficult. I love to help, I love to give, and I do my best work in support of others.

1-1 Coaching

I believe that doing the work you love is simply knowing why you are doing it in the first place. If you are thinking of 1-1 Coaching, I recommend that you join me in my next Free Clear, Confident & Consistent Webinar. This will assist you in getting clear and specific about your career path moving forward, and/or how I can help you, working with you as your Coach. I offer tips, tricks, and secrets that will fast-track how you can find your best work, even on your own.

In your personal development, as a leader, or achiever through Coaching, you get an opportunity to understand, leverage, and articulate your natural human assets born from your values and motivations. These values and motivations are what sets us all apart from other people. These are what we want to be known for. This is where we do our best work from. Once we know this about ourselves, it is then, we can start to be brave enough to take action and push our boundaries to finally do it.

This deep knowing of yourself, and knowledge about others puts you on the leaderboard for your next interview or the exciting collaboration or partnership. It will assist your workplace negotiations, you will use it in your business collaborations, and the connections needed for the journey forward.

My mission is to empower professionals to become proactive and accountable in their career and business goals by helping them rediscover their purpose and joy in the work they pursue and do.

In 1-1 Coaching I support you in raising your awareness of the need to align with personal values and to build out a systematic approach to your career or business goals using three simple themes: trust, traction and teamwork.

A specific coaching program is developed around these themes and the goals you want to achieve. Book a chemistry check with me to discuss if 1-1 Coaching is right for you and if you are ready to pursue and do your best work yet!


  • Are you finding it difficult to work and understand others? Finding it hard to motivate them?

  • Are you a new leader? Or an existing leader with a new team? Are you applying for a leadership position?

  • Are you struggling with your communication style? Are you misunderstood at work? Do you want to know why?

  • Are you misunderstood at work? Are you subject to a complaint matter or performance plan?

  • Are you looking for someone to support you in your role as a leader?

Leadership is a journey of unleashing the best version of yourself at work. Leadership Supervision Coaching is a form of Coaching that focuses on a review of you and how you work on your own, and how you work with others. This supervision supports conversations around trialing new behaviors, operational systems, and communication changes you implement in the workplace.

Supervision coaching supports leaders who experience loneliness ‘at the top’, including those wanting to develop their skills for promotion, or anyone who has had a tap on the shoulder, more than once, requesting a need to work on their leadership skills.

Leaders, managers and executives experience pressure when they are responsible for operational outcomes and are held to account by the expectations of management and teams to manage them in a human-centred way, along with the ongoing maintenance of workplace culture. There is a push-pull affect that feels like you cannot balance it all, often leaning harder to one side of the responsibilities of the role. Leadership roles can often feel like a thankless job, and often, with little support from management.

Coaching holds you accountable, develops your relationships, opens your compassion and kindness for yourself and others, builds your vocabulary, reviews and changes mindsets and fixed ideas, and will assist you in understanding how to leverage your positional power and relationships in workplaces.

To find out more, let’s arrange a time for a chemistry check, obligation free.

OPENED HEART REIKi, meditation & coaching


It’s time for a change

Create your new healing story with open-heart reiki.

For those of you looking for additional support in a healing way, this is a new offering, mixing reiki and coaching. It’s time to create a new healing story that only you can. In-person sessions are available in Bourke, NSW, Australia. Online distance healing is available on application. Please email me for more information.

Contact me if you are a current client looking to trial this new offering, I have some great offers and discounts for you.

Being Kelly


I needed a major trauma and illness to create a turning point in my life to understand and make sense of how I could create my best work. The work allowed me to create a value-driven business and undertake work that is fulfilling and gives back. It is work that allows me to be the best of who I am.

During my journey, I found the skills, techniques, and opportunities to align my values and perspectives that turned my life around. During this time of discovering this for myself, I realised that my gift was helping people do the same. I captured the hearts and minds of beautiful souls creating their own journeys to find their best work. I continue to support them to find it, create it and undertake it. Now with new service offerings, the experience working with me can be life-changing if you are ready to open your heart.

It is my mission to empower professionals to become proactive and accountable in their career and business goals by helping them rediscover their purpose and joy in the work they pursue and do.

This simple reorientation can be life-changing. I believe everyone deserves to have and hold meaningful work, although it takes responsibility to find it, and bravery to take action.

You can find flow and joy in the work you do regardless if you are doing work that is not ideal right now. Alignment of values, goals, a sense of why and your natural motivations will solve all your workplace and business barriers to getting what you want.

I know this to be true and I would love for you to open your heart and mind to this potential and opportunity that is only a click away.

Please join me.


Random Things About Me

  • I used to be a nurse

  • I think about being artistic often

  • I love to learn about Aboriginal culture

  • I don’t like washing my car or cleaning the fridge

  • I like to solve problems, mainly other people’s

  • I believe in ghosts and life in space, but not Bigfoot

  • My husband and kids are awesome, we are a blended family

  • I love American politics

  • I get sunburnt in 10 minutes and never tan

  • I like my own company and time

  • I swim, roller skate, and love to walk by water

  • Coffee is a friend of mine

  • My dog Penny barks at all my clients when they arrive

  • I love to be kind, it feels good

  • I have a fetish for earrings

  • I love to eat giant chocolate freckles and hate to share them

  • Eckhart Tolle was my first self awareness teacher

  • I can’t drink green tea, it tastes like dirt, but I keep trying

  • I can cook, but love it when someone cooks for me

  • I have undiagnosed ADD, my kids tell me so

  • I prefer audible books

  • I have green eyes

  • I am an Enneagram Type 7

  • I don’t understand why people eat margarine

  • I am an authorised Marriage Celebrant

  • I have a journal on my crazy business ideas

  • I read to learn, not for fun or relaxation

  • I procrastinate too